Baby got strong teeth after using toothpaste for babies

When to Start Using Toothpaste for Your Baby

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Medically Reviewed By Colgate Global Scientific Communications

Seeing your baby's first tooth is exciting! It is a sign that they are growing up. However, this new stage comes with fresh responsibilities. As a parent, you may often find yourself asking, “When should I begin brushing my baby’s teeth with toothpaste?” This article will answer this question.

You will also discover why early dental care is essential, the type of toothpaste to use, the ingredients to avoid in toothpaste for babies, and some tips for brushing your baby's teeth.

Baby's First “Toothpaste”: Water

Before your baby's first tooth emerges, their gums are laying the foundation for a healthy smile. It is crucial to begin practising good oral health habits on your baby's gums, even at this stage. You won't be using a toothbrush or toothpaste for your baby yet. Instead, use clear water and a piece of soft, clean gauze to gently remove bacteria. Here is what you need to do:

  • Grab some soft gauze: Wrap the gauze around your pointer finger and dip it in water. 

  • Clean the gums: Gently rub the gauze along your baby's gums at least once a day to eliminate bacteria.

If your baby starts eating solid foods without teeth, do the gauzed finger and water procedure after each meal. This will help remove food particles that can contribute to the growth of bacteria.

First Tooth: Handle with Care

As soon as your baby's first tooth appears, it is time to start real brushing to prevent plaque buildup. Here is a checklist to help you get started:

  • Choose fluoridated baby toothpaste: Look for toothpaste for babies specifically labelled for ages 0-2. These are safe for babies one-year-old and younger and contain the right amount of fluoride to protect their teeth. 

  • Select a toothbrush made for babies: Opt for a toothbrush made especially for babies' mouths with extra-soft bristles to be gentle on their delicate gums and teeth.

  • Brush gently twice a day: Use a pea-sized amount of toothpaste for baby, after feedings and at bedtime. Your baby won't be able to spit out the toothpaste, so use only a small amount. 

  • Schedule your baby's first dentist visit: It is important to schedule your baby's first dental appointment by the age of one or after the first tooth erupts. Talk to the dentists about your baby's oral care routine during the visit to ensure optimal care.

  • Make brushing fun: Using a baby toothbrush helps your child get used to the feeling of a brush in their mouth. You can also combine brushing with silly songs and fun games to make it interesting, so your child will learn that brushing can be a pleasant experience.

By following these steps and making oral care a part of your baby’s daily routine, you can ensure their teeth stay healthy and strong as they continue to grow.

When Should You Start Brushing Your Baby’s Teeth?

Before teeth erupt, water and gauze are great for cleaning your baby's gums. However, once those pearly whites start appearing, brushing becomes essential. As soon as the first tooth emerges, typically around six months but varying for each baby, use a small, soft-bristled toothbrush and a pea-sized amount of toothpaste for babies after feedings and at bedtime. Additionally, if two baby teeth come in side by side, gently floss them at least once daily, preferably before bedtime.

Ingredients To Avoid In Baby Toothpaste

When selecting the best toothpaste for babies, it is essential to be mindful of the ingredients used in these products. There are some common ingredients found in baby toothpaste that may be best avoided for your baby's delicate gums and developing teeth. Understanding these ingredients empowers parents to make informed choices for their baby's dental care routine.

Essential Oils

You might find some toothpaste containing essential oils like peppermint or tea tree oil. However, these ingredients are usually left out of baby toothpaste for a few reasons, including sensitive gums and the risk of swallowing. Babies have delicate mouths, and these strong oils could irritate their gums and cause discomfort. Since babies are still learning to spit, there is a chance they might swallow some toothpaste while brushing. Given that these oils can be harmful if swallowed in large amounts, it is safer to avoid them altogether.

Artificial Flavours & Preservatives

While brightly coloured toothpaste with flavours might seem like a good idea, it is best to keep things simple for your baby's oral care routine. Artificial flavours and preservatives may not necessarily contribute to dental hygiene and might even contain sugars that can promote cavities. When selecting toothpaste for your baby, opt for varieties that are free of artificial flavours and preservatives to minimise unnecessary additives. 

Consider toothpaste like Colgate Toothpaste for Kids (0-2 years), which is designed with a 50% less abrasive formula compared to regular adult toothpaste. It contains zero artificial flavours, colours, sweeteners, or preservatives and comes in a natural fruit flavour.

Artificial Sweeteners & Colours

Artificial sweeteners and colours, despite offering no visible benefit for dental hygiene, may trigger allergic reactions in some kids. Moreover, these additives may potentially create a preference for sugary foods among kids later in their lives. So it is best to choose a toothpaste for babies free of artificial sweeteners and colours, prioritising a simple formula that focuses on gentle cleaning. Since babies often swallow toothpaste, selecting a product formulated for their safety is crucial, ensuring effective cleaning without unnecessary additives.

Fluoride and Toothpaste Tips for Baby Brushing

When you start using fluoride toothpaste for your baby's teeth, it is important to guard against dental fluorosis. According to the Indian Dental Association, chronic consumption of high levels of fluoride results in dental fluorosis, in which white flecks, yellow, or brown areas are seen over the tooth surface. However, you can prevent this from developing by using toothpaste for babies made with the right amount of fluoride. It is always a good idea to ask your dentist to make sure you are picking the best toothpaste for your baby.

We all know fluoride is essential in preventing tooth decay, which can start early. So, how do you prevent fluorosis while still providing your baby with toothpaste that is good for them? Here are some tips:

  • Go Small: When brushing your baby's teeth, use only a tiny amount of fluoride toothpaste, approximately the size of a grain of rice, to minimise the risk of fluorosis.

  • Be Age-Appropriate: Choose toothpaste specifically formulated for babies, free of artificial colours, preservatives, or sodium lauryl sulphate, ensuring it is suitable for your child’s teeth and delicate gums.

  • Use Water Wisely: Since infants cannot rinse or spit out toothpaste, provide a bottle or sippy cup of water after brushing to help wash away any residue and reduce the risk of swallowing excess fluoride.

Treasure the Memory

The first time you see a tiny tooth peeking through your baby's gums is a truly special milestone. It marks the beginning of a new phase in your child's development and a fun adventure in looking after their teeth. This small but significant event is a great chance to start teaching them good oral care habits that will stay with them for years to come. You can also capture these precious moments by taking photos and videos from the time brushing their gums with a finger brush to brushing for their own. By focusing on your child’s dental health early on, you are helping them build strong, healthy teeth that will last a lifetime.

To conclude, taking care of your baby, including their dental health, and choosing the right baby care products is a big part of parenting. When it comes to introducing toothpaste, choosing the best toothpaste for babies specifically formulated for their delicate gums and teeth is essential. By prioritising early dental care and making informed choices about the ingredients of children’s toothpaste, parents can lay the groundwork for a lifetime of healthy teeth and smiles for their little ones.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What toothpaste is safe for babies?
  2. Toothpaste specifically labelled for babies aged 0-2 years is considered safe. It is formulated with gentle ingredients and an appropriate fluoride content. You may avoid artificial flavours, colours, sweeteners, and unnecessary additives. Consult with your dental professional for personalised recommendations.

  3. Which toothpaste is best for babies in India?
  4. The best toothpaste for babies are those that are gentle on their delicate gums and teeth. Check the label for age suitability or consult with a dental professional for personalised recommendations. Colgate Toothpaste for Kids (0-2 years) is a popular option worth considering.

  5. At what age can a child use toothpaste?
  6. Children can start using toothpaste when their first tooth appears, usually around six months old. Begin with a rice-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste, increasing to a pea-sized amount around age two. Always supervise young children while brushing and ensure they spit out the toothpaste rather than swallowing it.

  7. How do I brush my 6-month-old's teeth?
  8. Every day, gently wipe their gums with a clean, damp washcloth to remove harmful bacteria. Once your child's teeth start coming in, you may use toothpaste for babies specifically formulated for their age along with an extra-soft bristled toothbrush.