the best teeth whitening system to fit into a busy day - colgate in
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The Best Teeth Whitening System to Fit into a Busy Day

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Medically Reviewed By Colgate Global Scientific Communications


When you're busy with work, family and other commitments, your time's precious. But that doesn't mean you have to miss out on dazzling teeth!

The best teeth whitening system for busy people is the one that fits best into their schedules. Here are some options that may work for busy bees like you.

In-Office Treatments

If you're looking for instant results and have one to three mornings or afternoons to spare, an in-office whitening treatment may work for you. Each visit takes 30 to 90 minutes, depending on how stained your teeth are, how white you would like them to be, and what style of treatment the dentist uses. The Indian Dental Association notes that one-hour laser teeth whitening treatments can make your teeth 8-10 shades whiter, and porcelain veneers can mask stained teeth, chipped teeth or crooked teeth.

Ask your dentist about this type of treatment if you don't have time for multiple appointments. Professional whitening lays a great foundation. From there, you can use whitening products daily to maintain results.

At-Home Gels

Whitening your teeth at home doesn't offer instant results; however, whatever you lose in speed you gain in convenience. One at-home method is a whitening gel and tray that you get from your dentist. The dentist supplies a tray to hold whitening gel next to the teeth for several hours a day while you enjoy the comfort of your own home. Applying the gel every day for one or two weeks may be all you need to do to achieve the desired result, or it can take up to four weeks for a stronger effect.

Ask your dentist for instructions on how to apply the whitening gel safely. If you have a few hours after work and are able to settle into a mini-marathon of your favourite TV show, that's a great time to pop in the tray. If your evenings are occupied, ask if it's possible to wear the tray overnight.

Whitening Toothpastes

If you have zero gaps in your schedule for treatments, a teeth-whitening toothpaste lightens the colour of your teeth without requiring any changes to your routine. All it takes is two minutes before you run out the door in the morning and two minutes before you hit the hay at night. Whitening at home is as simple as brushing your teeth twice a day.

When choosing the best teeth whitening system for your needs, remember that though you might have to give up a morning or afternoon for a dentist's visit, an in-office treatment gives the fastest results. Other systems are more convenient and are able to keep your teeth white. Rest assured that among all the options available, there's one that can deliver bright, attractive teeth without interfering with your busy day.