Young woman using toothpaste as home remedies for tooth sensitivity
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Home Remedies for Sensitive Teeth

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Medically Reviewed By Colgate Global Scientific Communications

Do you experience sudden pain or discomfort in your teeth while enjoying your favourite ice cream or hot drink? If yes, it could be sensitivity. Sensitive teeth can turn enjoyable moments into painful ones, making us wonder how to ease the discomfort. Although desensitising toothpaste can help ease the pain, there are also some home remedies for sensitive teeth that you can try. 

Keep reading to learn about the symptoms and causes of sensitive teeth, along with some helpful home remedies for tooth sensitivity. You can also learn about methods to prevent tooth sensitivity and when it is the right time to seek professional dental care.

What Are The Symptoms of Sensitive Teeth?

Understanding the symptoms of sensitive teeth is a crucial step toward finding the proper sensitive teeth remedy. While tooth sensitivity can come and go over time, here are some symptoms that will let you know you are experiencing tooth sensitivity.

  • Feeling a painful sensation upon eating hot, cold, sweet, or highly acidic foods. 

  • Encountering a sudden, sharp pain while brushing your teeth. 

  • Experiencing discomfort while breathing in cold air.

What Causes Sensitive Teeth?

Numerous factors can contribute to tooth sensitivity. Before seeking a teeth sensitivity solution, it is crucial to identify the underlying cause of your sensitivity. Listed below are some of the common factors that contribute to tooth sensitivity:

  • Hard or aggressive brushing can wear down tooth enamel, potentially causing sensitivity.

  • Highly acidic foods and beverages erode tooth enamel, increasing the chance of sensitivity.

  • Gum diseases or gingivitis can cause gum recession, exposing tooth roots and increasing sensitivity.

  • Teeth grinding, especially at night, wears down enamel and contributes to tooth sensitivity.

  • Sensitivity is caused by plaque buildup on the root surfaces of the teeth.

  • Tooth decay and damaged fillings expose the dentin of the tooth, resulting in sensitivity.

  • A cracked tooth or broken teeth can harbour plaque bacteria, leading to pulp inflammation.

  • Dental treatments like whitening, cleanings, braces, or fillings can temporarily increase sensitivity as a common side effect.

Home Remedies for Sensitive Teeth

When tooth sensitivity strikes suddenly, finding relief becomes a priority for many individuals. While consulting a dental professional is always recommended for treating sensitive teeth, exploring pain-relieving natural remedies may offer temporary relief. From simple changes in daily oral healthcare practices to trying natural methods, these home remedies for sensitive teeth may help individuals minimise dental discomfort and find relief. 

Avoid Acidic Foods

Certain foods and drinks, including carbonated beverages, coffee, citrus fruits, and yogurt, can cause tooth sensitivity due to their high acidic content. This acid attacks the enamel that protects the teeth, causing tooth erosion and leading to sensitivity. If you cannot resist consuming acidic foods, try eating them as part of a meal rather than by themselves. 

When drinking soda, use a straw to limit the contact the liquid has with your teeth. Additionally, avoid brushing your teeth immediately after consuming acidic foods or drinks, as the acid softens the enamel and makes your teeth even more sensitive. Instead, consider drinking a glass of milk, which helps neutralise the acid.

Swap Your Toothbrush

Brushing your teeth regularly is an essential step in keeping them healthy.  However, if you have sensitive teeth, it is necessary to be gentle with your brushing technique. Using a hard-bristled toothbrush or abrasive toothpaste can further irritate your sensitive teeth. Instead, swap your usual toothbrush with a softer one and brush your teeth gently in a back-and-forth motion across the biting surfaces of your teeth.  

Avoid erratic brushing, as it can cause more harm than good. Additionally, remember to replace your toothbrush every three months or when the bristles begin to flare, whichever comes first. By adopting proper brushing techniques, you can effectively reduce tooth sensitivity.

Saltwater Rinse

A saltwater rinse is one of the home remedies for sensitive teeth that help alleviate toothache from tooth sensitivity. It is typically made by dissolving half a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water, which is then swished around in the mouth, focusing on areas of sensitivity. 

While a mouth rinse with salt water can provide temporary relief, it is important to note that it may not address the underlying cause of tooth sensitivity. Using it as a mouthwash also helps to fight bacteria in the mouth and improve oral hygiene. If you experience persistent or severe sensitivity, it is essential to consult a dental professional for a thorough evaluation and appropriate treatment.

Clove Oil

A helpful tooth sensitivity home remedy is clove oil. This essential oil contains eugenol, which has strong anti-inflammatory properties. Usually, a small amount of it is dabbed into a cotton ball and applied to the affected area. However, clove oil only provides temporary relief and may not address the root cause of the sensitivity. If you experience persistent or severe sensitivity, you should consult a dental professional for a thorough evaluation and appropriate treatment. 

Additionally, you can try using an anti-sensitivity toothpaste that includes clove oil, like Colgate Sensitive Clove toothpaste. This toothpaste is infused with clove oil and eugenol, which soothes the nerve endings and reaches deep inside sensitive tooth areas, providing faster relief.  

Wear a Mouth Guard

Many individuals have a habit of grinding their teeth while they sleep. This can be due to stress and occurs during deep sleep. Teeth grinding can lead to the wearing away of tooth enamel, resulting in discomfort and sensitivity. Wearing a mouth guard while sleeping can help avoid teeth grinding, thereby preventing teeth sensitivity. 

A mouth guard prevents the constant friction between teeth and protects them from unnecessary loss of teeth. You can get a mouth guard from your dentist or purchase it over the counter. It works as a protective bite-piece placed on your teeth, similar to the ones worn by athletes in contact sports.


There are some proactive measures that you can take to prevent tooth sensitivity. Practise proper brushing techniques to prevent enamel abrasion and gum recession. Brushing twice daily for two minutes using a soft-bristled toothbrush and flossing helps maintain good oral hygiene without causing additional damage. Consider using a toothpaste specially formulated to reduce sensitivity.

For instance, you can try Colgate Sensitive Plus, which provides instant pain relief with its unique Pro-Argin Technology. While most sensitive toothpastes primarily numb sensitivity, Colgate Sensitive Plus builds a calcium-rich layer that plugs the exposed channels to protect sensitive teeth from sudden shocks of pain instantly.

Additionally, if you are wondering how to reduce teeth sensitivity, limit your consumption of acidic foods and drinks, such as citrus fruits, sodas, and acidic juices. Acidic foods and beverages can weaken tooth enamel over time, making teeth more susceptible to sensitivity. By incorporating these preventive measures into your daily oral care routine and making mindful dietary choices, you can effectively reduce the likelihood of experiencing tooth sensitivity. 

When To See A Dental Professional?

Knowing when to see a dental professional is crucial for addressing tooth sensitivity effectively. If home remedies for sensitive teeth fail to provide relief or if you experience persistent or severe sensitivity, it is time to schedule an appointment. Dental professionals can assess the underlying cause of your sensitivity and recommend appropriate treatments or medicine for sensitive teeth. They might also apply a fluoride varnish to the sensitive areas to help strengthen the tooth, prescribe a high-fluoride toothpaste to use every day or place a dental restoration to strengthen the affected teeth. You can alleviate discomfort and maintain optimal oral health by seeking timely dental care for tooth sensitivity treatment and attending regular check-ups.

In conclusion, tooth sensitivity can cause discomfort and pain even while drinking or eating. However, you can effectively manage and alleviate tooth sensitivity with the right knowledge and proactive measures. Various options are available to address tooth sensitivity, from incorporating gentle oral care practices and trying home remedies for sensitive teeth when needed. By prioritising oral health, making mindful dietary choices, and knowing when to seek professional help, you can take control of your tooth pain due to sensitivity and maintain your whole mouth health.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the fastest way to cure sensitive teeth?

The fastest way to cure sensitive teeth is by using over-the-counter medicine for sensitive teeth or desensitising toothpaste, which typically provides relief within a few days of regular use. You may also try home remedies for sensitive teeth, which may offer temporary pain relief. However, if you are experiencing persistent or severe tooth sensitivity, it is best to seek the help of a dental professional.

2. Can you get rid of tooth sensitivity at home?

Yes, you can get rid of tooth sensitivity at home by using a desensitizing toothpaste regularly, avoiding acidic foods and drinks, and practising good oral hygiene. However, if your sensitivity persists or worsens with tooth sensitivity treatment at home, it is necessary to consult a dental professional for further evaluation and treatment.

3. Why are my teeth suddenly sensitive?

Sudden tooth sensitivity can occur due to various factors, including tooth decay, gum recession, enamel erosion, or teeth grinding. Additionally, consuming acidic foods or drinks, undergoing dental procedures, or using harsh oral care products can also trigger sensitivity. If you experience sudden sensitivity, it is essential to consult a dentist rather than try a tooth sensitivity remedy.

4. What deficiency causes sensitive teeth?

A deficiency in certain minerals may contribute to tooth sensitivity. Inadequate intake or absorption of certain minerals can weaken enamel, making teeth more sensitive.