A woman happily looking at the mirror after tooth sensitivity treatment
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Tooth Sensitivity Treatment Options

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Medically Reviewed By Colgate Global Scientific Communications

Sensitivity in teeth can transform simple pleasures like eating a scoop of ice cream or savouring a bowl of hot soup into uncomfortable experiences. This common dental issue, known as tooth sensitivity or dentin hypersensitivity, occurs when the protective enamel of the teeth wears down, exposing the underlying dentin tubules that lead to the nerve centre. The result? Sharp, sudden discomfort triggered by hot, cold, sweet, or acidic foods and beverages.

Keep reading to learn more about tooth sensitivity, the types of tooth sensitivity treatments available, the ways to prevent sensitivity, and the right time to seek assistance from a dental professional. 

What is Teeth Sensitivity?

Many factors can cause tooth sensitivity, from worn-down enamel to receding gums. Changes in temperature or eating certain foods, especially acidic or sweet ones, can induce discomfort or pain in the affected tooth or teeth. Fortunately, this pain usually subsides after a short period.

Tooth sensitivity is primarily rooted in dentin, a layer under your enamel, which contains numerous pores or tubules extending from the tooth's surface to its nerve centre. When the dentin is exposed, these tubules can be triggered by temperature changes or specific foods, causing pain. If you are wondering how to cure sensitive teeth, there are professional tooth sensitivity treatments and home remedies that you can try to ease the pain and improve your oral health.

Types of Tooth Sensitivity Treatments

If the sensitivity comes from a cavity, a dentist can fix it with a restoration. If gum disease is the cause, the dental professional can perform a thorough cleaning of the area. If you are confused about how to treat tooth sensitivity from exposed dentin, there are some professional tooth sensitivity treatments and at-home remedies that you can try to reduce sensitivity. 

Professional Treatment Options

To find out why your teeth are sensitive, consult a dentist who will conduct a thorough examination of your teeth and gums to identify the underlying cause. If sensitivity arises from enamel loss through abrasion or erosion, or gum recession exposing the tooth roots, the dental professional can recommend suitable tooth sensitivity treatment options or medicine for sensitive teeth to alleviate discomfort.

  • Fluoride varnish: Application of a fluoride varnish on exposed areas to strengthen both your enamel and dentin.

  • Fluoride foam or gel: Placement of fluoride foam or gel into a mouth tray for 3-5 minutes to provide a high concentration of fluoride that strengthens weak areas.

  • Bonding agent: Utilisation of a bonding agent to seal the dentin surface and create a protective barrier against external stimuli that trigger sensitivity.

  • Gum graft: Covers exposed roots with tissue to protect them from damage and reduce sensitivity in cases of gum recession.

Home Remedies For Sensitive Teeth

Along with professional tooth sensitivity treatments, there are several home remedies for sensitive teeth that you can try to find relief from tooth sensitivity. From simple changes in your oral healthcare routine to trying natural methods, these home remedies may help minimise discomfort. While they might not be permanent solutions, they can help reduce tooth pain and improve your oral health. However, it is important to be careful and see a dentist if the symptoms persist or worsen.

  • Eat and drink fewer acidic foods: Limit consuming acidic foods, and use a straw when drinking soda, and avoid immediate brushing after consumption to minimise sensitivity.

  • Saltwater rinse: Rinse with a saltwater solution by dissolving half a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water and swish to ease tooth sensitivity temporarily.

  • Clove oil: Apply a tiny bit of clove oil to the sensitive area for temporary relief, or use toothpaste with clove oil for faster relief.

  • Mouth guard: Wearing a mouth guard at night can prevent enamel erosion and reduce tooth sensitivity caused by teeth grinding while you sleep.

How To Prevent Sensitive Teeth?

While home remedies can offer temporary relief, the best way to manage tooth sensitivity is to prevent it from happening in the first place. If you are wondering how to prevent sensitive teeth, here are some practical strategies designed to protect your tooth enamel and minimise dentin exposure. By incorporating these practices into your daily oral hygiene routine, you can significantly reduce the risk of experiencing tooth sensitivity.

Oral Hygiene

Brushing with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste twice a day is essential for preventing tooth sensitivity and maintaining good oral hygiene. This helps remove plaque buildup and strengthen tooth enamel, reducing the risk of sensitivity. Flossing daily removes food particles and plaque from between your teeth and along the gum line, preventing gum disease and subsequent gum recession. 

Additionally, using a mouthwash can help rinse away bacteria and acids that contribute to enamel erosion. By incorporating these simple yet effective oral hygiene practices into your daily routine, you can protect your teeth against sensitivity and maintain optimal dental health.

Sensitivity Toothpaste

If you experience tooth sensitivity, using a sensitive toothpaste can be an effective way to prevent future pain and promote good overall dental health. These specialised toothpastes contain ingredients, such as potassium nitrate, which can help block pain signals from the tooth surface to the nerve. Additionally, many toothpastes for sensitivity also contain fluoride, which strengthens tooth enamel and reduces the risk of enamel erosion. 

By using a desensitising toothpaste like Colgate Sensitive Plus in your daily dental care routine, you can experience pain relief and protect your teeth. It provides instant pain relief with its unique Pro-Argin technology. While most sensitive toothpastes primarily numb sensitivity, Colgate Sensitive Plus builds a calcium-rich layer that plugs the exposed channels to protect sensitive teeth from sudden shocks of pain instantly.

Fluoridated Dental Products

To prevent tooth sensitivity and maintain good oral health, it is important to use dental products that contain fluoride. Fluoride toothpaste has been proven to alleviate sensitive teeth effectively. Including fluoride in your daily oral care routine can strengthen your tooth enamel and reduce the risk of sensitivity in the long run. For people who experience tooth sensitivity, using fluoride toothpaste twice a day is recommended. If you require additional relief, consider talking to your dentist about professional tooth sensitivity treatments such as fluoride gels, solutions, or varnishes. You can effectively manage tooth sensitivity and maintain optimal dental health by including fluoridated dental products in your oral care routine.

When to See a Dental Professional?

If you are experiencing persistent or severe symptoms of sensitive teeth, consult a dental professional for a tooth sensitivity solution. Health tips such as using a toothbrush with soft bristles and avoiding abrasive toothpaste can help alleviate sensitivity, but if the symptoms persist, it may be time to seek professional guidance. While over-the-counter products and home remedies may provide temporary relief, a comprehensive checkup by a dentist is essential for identifying any underlying dental problems, such as cracked teeth or gum disease, that may be contributing to the discomfort. Additionally, the dental professional may also provide fluoride treatment to strengthen tooth enamel and reduce sensitivity.

In conclusion, tooth sensitivity, commonly caused by exposed dentin or enamel erosion, may result in discomfort and pain. Effective management involves maintaining good oral hygiene, using desensitising toothpaste and fluoridated dental products, and seeking professional tooth sensitivity treatment when needed. Additionally, avoiding abrasive toothpaste, minimising the consumption of acidic foods like citrus fruits and cold foods, and avoiding exposure to cold air can help alleviate discomfort. By taking proactive measures and seeking appropriate tooth sensitivity treatment, individuals can maintain optimal dental health and protect against tooth sensitivity.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How to cure sensitive teeth?

For mildly sensitive teeth, desensitising toothpaste and proper oral hygiene can help. However, if you are wondering how to cure sensitive teeth from gum recession, tooth decay, or cracked teeth, it may necessitate professional treatment. Consulting your dentist can identify the cause and suggest remedies.

2. How can I treat sensitive teeth naturally?

To treat sensitive teeth naturally, consider using desensitising toothpaste containing fluoride or potassium nitrate. Additionally, try sensitive teeth treatment at home, like rinsing your mouth with a saltwater solution or applying clove oil to the affected area for temporary relief. Adjusting your diet to limit acidic or sugary foods and practising good oral hygiene can also help alleviate sensitivity.

3. What is the best medicine for sensitive teeth?

The best medicine for sensitive teeth often includes desensitising toothpaste containing potassium nitrate or fluoride ingredients. Additionally, fluoride varnish applied by a dental professional can strengthen enamel and reduce sensitivity. In severe cases, your dentist may recommend bonding agents to seal exposed dentin or prescribe teeth sensitivity medicine to manage underlying issues causing sensitivity.

4. How do you stop sensitivity?

To stop sensitivity, consider using desensitising toothpaste. Additionally, avoid acidic or sugary foods, practise good oral hygiene, and use a soft-bristled toothbrush to prevent further enamel erosion. If sensitivity persists, consult a dentist for professional tooth sensitivity treatments.