Add Music to Your Fun Teeth Games

Music makes everything better – use it to your advantage when teaching your child how to brush by:

  • Playing their favorite upbeat song for 2 to 3 minutes.

  • Singing their favorite nursery rhyme.

  • Making up a personalized song.

However you incorporate music into their brushing routine, make your child an integral part of the performance. Make a brushing show with your child starring as the superstar on stage! The more fun they have, the more they'll want to brush their pearly whites.

Turn Teeth Games Into Fun Eggs-Periments

Fun fact: similar to teeth, eggshells are packed with calcium. These mini science experiments use hard-boiled eggs to show your child how fluoride and food acids impact teeth:

  • Place one egg in soda and another in water for 8 to 13 hours, then rinse and feel the shells. The soda-soaked egg should feel noticeably softer than that in water.

  • Do the same with other liquids like milk, vinegar, and orange juice. The acids in all these concoctions turn the shells (and your teeth) soft.

  • Apply thick stripes of toothpaste on an egg and keep it on for four days. After rinsing, soak the egg in soda overnight. You and your child will notice how the areas with toothpaste are harder than those without.

Board Games

Board games provide classic fun for the whole family. Turning them into fun teeth games is easy! Create a DIY game about children's oral health curiosity by following these steps:

  • Gather two dice, hourglass timers, flashcards, a large sheet of construction paper, and a pencil.

  • Write the question and answer of interesting and little-known dental trivia on the flashcards.

  • Create a path of squares in a dental- themed shape (smile, toothbrush, the tooth fairy, etc.).

  • Roll the dice, move to the corresponding square, and answer a question.

  • Get the question right and keep moving along.

The player who lands on the last square and answers the question correctly is your dental trivia winner.

More Fun Teeth Games for Kids

Whether you make them yourself or purchase in the app store, these options help make going to the dentist fun and not frightening:

  • If your child is age four and up, have them put on their dentist hat as they try to locate the sore tooth of the crocodile before getting their little hands chomped in this fun and easy-to-play tabletop game.

  • Search "dentist" on your device or in an app store to find a variety of oral health games that will teach as your child touches the screen.

  • Find some more fun teeth games for kids here

By engaging your child with games and activities, you'll create fun memories together and inspire them to take responsibility for their oral health – and isn't that any parent's dental health dream?

Oral Care Center articles are reviewed by an oral health medical professional. This information is for educational purposes only. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your dentist, physician or other qualified healthcare provider. 


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What's behind your smile?

Take our Oral Health assessment to get the most from your oral care routine


2.3 billion

people worldwide suffer from tooth decay