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Gum Inflammation Linked To Other Diseases

Oral and gum inflammation are not only indicators of decreased oral health, but they can also gauge or affect larger health problems. Your oral health might affect, be affected by, or contribute to heart disease, arthritis, Alzheimer's, diabetes, pregnancy, and other conditions.

Heart Disease

No direct link between gum problems and heart disease has been proven yet, but the South African Dental Association confirms that many studies show an as-yet-unexplained connection between gum disease and heart disease. An abstract published on the American Heart Association's website in 2012 suggests that inflammatory gum problems may be related to the way bad cholesterol affects the body. “People with periodontitis often have risk factors that not only put their mouth at risk, but their heart and blood vessels, too". People who smoke, have sedentary lifestyles, or have problems controlling their weight or blood pressure tend to be candidates for both health issues, so the connection is certainly one worth considering.

So, in addition to a good diet and exercise, like hiking or nightly walks, consider taking good care of your oral health to be a part of your heart-healthy routine. Toothpastes that help fight germs can help keep your gums, and maybe even your heart, healthy.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

According to the Arthritis Foundation, "new research suggests that tooth loss – a marker for periodontal (gum) disease – may predict rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and its severity. The more teeth lost, the greater the risk of RA." Before periodontal disease becomes acute, one major indicator is gum inflammation. However, the good news is that periodontal disease is treatable with regular dental check-ups, oral care and attention to your health. The earlier you start attending to this kind of discomfort, the greater your chances of preventing serious gum disease.

Alzheimer's Disease

It may surprise you to find out that oral inflammation is also associated with the progression of Alzheimer's Disease. Periodontal disease can be a factor in how Alzheimer's Disease gets worse. The Journal of Alzheimer's Disease states that certain kind of oral germs "are implicated in the development of a number of inflammatory pathologies at remote organ sites, including Alzheimer's disease (AD)". Start taking preventative measures early on by brushing and flossing regularly to ensure periodontal disease is one less factor in negotiating good health as you age.

Make a Habit of Good Oral Care

If you're not sure where to start, be sure to brush and floss twice a day, and make an appointment with your dentist to learn how best to care for yourself, and your teeth, through the years.

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