A woman smashing an avocado in the kitchen

How Healthy Eating Improves Your Oral Health

Eating healthy, wholesome foods is crucial for your health. Choosing foods and beverages that provide sustainable energy (no crashes!) and nutrients fuels a healthy body, including improving oral health. You can improve your physical and oral health by knowing what kinds of healthy foods to eat, what foods to avoid, and learning healthy eating habits.

What is a nutritious diet?

A nutritious diet includes a balanced mix of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Have you heard the saying "everything in moderation?" Even healthy foods can become unhealthy if eaten too often in big servings.

To figure out proper serving sizes and food groups, the U.S. Department of Agriculture created the app MyPlate. MyPlate provides educational information and examples of food groups, including fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins, and dairy. It is easy to get overwhelmed in the grocery store when faced with dozens of options of fresh, canned, frozen, and dried foods. You can learn how to read a nutrition label from the CDC so you can track the number of carbohydrates, fats, and other nutritional data.

Why is healthy eating important?

A poor diet can prevent your body from replenishing its energy stores, leaving you feeling fatigued and tired. Moreover, a poor diet can deplete your immune system, so you are more at risk for illness. You may not know it, but your diet can also affect your oral health. By eating unhealthy foods, such as sweets, processed fatty foods, or acidic beverages, you are at a higher risk of gum disease and tooth cavities.

How does healthy eating affect your teeth?

Certain foods can harm your oral health. Sugary and starchy foods like sweets, bread, and chips can stick to your teeth and provide the naturally occurring germs there a huge meal—encouraging the germs to grow. Acidic foods can also start to erode the enamel. So, it's crucial to brush your teeth at least twice a day and remove that sugar and acid from your teeth. You can brush after meals or snacks, floss, or even use mouthwash to clean your teeth after eating. It is important to clean the mouth after eating or drinking to prevent oral health issues. If you aren't able to brush your teeth, chewing sugar-free gum can promote saliva production, helping your body rinse the remaining food away.

Beyond your daily oral care routine, keeping your bi-yearly dental cleaning appointments will help your teeth stay healthy in the long term, preventing gum problems and other dental issues.

How to choose healthy beverages

What you drink is just as vital to your health as what you eat. Drinking enough water is crucial. Water helps to digest and absorb the nutrients in your food, to supply needed hydration to your organs, and to moisten your mouth to flush plaque and germs from your teeth.

Soda, alcoholic cocktails, sports drinks, and energy drinks often contain sugar, artificial colours, flavours, and acids that can damage your teeth. These ingredients can erode tooth enamel, contributing to tooth cavities. Limit soda and other sugary drinks to mealtimes, and drink water afterward to help wash away those harmful ingredients from your teeth and stay hydrated.

How to eat healthily

Our bodies are not able to create all the nutrients we need without help. That's why we have to ensure we eat food or take supplements that contain those nutrients. The U.S. Department of Agriculture advises eating the following each day for a 2,000-calorie diet:

  • 170 g of grains, including whole grains and refined grains
  • 2 1/2 cups of vegetables
  • 2 cups of fruits
  • 3 cups (or equivalent) of dairy products, like milk or yoghurt
  • 155 g of protein from meat, poultry, fish, eggs, beans, or nuts
  • Limiting calories from other sources to 270 kcal per day.

A balanced diet consists of the following nutrients:

  • Some carbohydrates
  • Essential fatty acids found in fish and nuts
  • Essential amino acids (found in proteins)
  • Vitamins from vegetables and fruit
  • Water

You can learn more about these essential nutrients from MyPlate or speak with a dietician for a unique diet customised for you!

Healthy eating habits to adopt now

Fad diets pop up all the time, but replacing starchy or sugary food with fruits, vegetables and lean protein are excellent choices for your health. Here are several eating habits to practise:

  • Snack in moderation, keep most eating to mealtimes
  • Snack on nutritious foods, such as fruit, vegetables, and nuts
  • Eat sweet treats with meals if you must indulge
  • Avoid stocking your pantry with starchy or sugary foods
  • Eat various vegetables
  • Eat fruits instead of sweets
  • Pack your diet with lean proteins, such as poultry, reduced-fat beef, or fish.

Eating healthy may seem overwhelming, but making just one or two changes in your diet can improve your health. As with any goal, make your nutritional goal attainable and realistic. Once you achieve that goal, you can set a bigger one. Before you know it, you'll be healthier and feel a lot better about your overall condition.

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