4 Home Remedies for Tooth Pain (Toothache) | Colgate® SG

4 Tooth Pain Home Remedies

Pain is one method the body uses to indicate that something is wrong. You might've pulled a muscle in your back lifting a heavy box or accidentally burned your hand while cooking. If you've ever had a toothache, you'd know tooth pain isn't fun. If you're unable to receive dental attention right away, try some tooth pain home remedies.

Tooth Pain Causes

Unfortunately, there are numerous ways that you can wind up with a toothache. Worn down tooth enamel or a recessed gum line can expose the tooth's dentine, the layer of hard tissue located under the enamel. This makes your teeth sensitive to cold and hot liquids or sugary drinks.

Cavities are another common pain trigger. Once the sensitive nerves in your teeth are exposed, an act as simple as biting something hard could be painful. If you bite down on something too hard, you could have a cracked tooth. Trauma from an accident can also crack a tooth. A severe enough crack may expose the tender nerves that reside deep within your teeth.

Sometimes dental work that was performed to fix one problem can cause another problem. Fillings and crowns can become loose or cracked, resulting in tooth pain. Your first inclination to relieve a toothache might be a cold compress or an over-the-counter pain medication. But there are other methods you can try.

1. Clove Oil

Clove oil works to relieve pain and reduce the swelling that stems from the toothache. Clove oil is effective because it contains eugenol, a natural anaesthetic. It acts as a temporary pain reliever. Soak up a few drops of clove oil in a cotton ball, then gently rub the cotton ball over the affected teeth and gums.

Clove oil may soothe your pain, but be aware that it doesn't have the most pleasant taste.

2. Salt Water Rinse

Try rinsing your mouth with warm salt water if you have a painful tooth and swollen gums. Add a couple of teaspoons of salt to a cup of warm water. Once you've swished the mixture around your mouth, spit it out.

Note that a study published in the Journal of the Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry in the United States concludes that a salt water rinse can also help control plaque collection on teeth and prevent oral diseases.

3. Hydrogen Peroxide Rinse

Like salt water, a hydrogen peroxide rinse can relieve pain and swelling in the mouth. In addition, it can help kill bacteria, reduce plaque and heal bleeding gums. A study published in the Journal of International Society of Preventive & Community Dentistry in the United States demonstrates that using hydrogen peroxide as a mouthwash may reduce gingivitis.

Before you use this rinse, make sure to correctly prepare the solution. Mix 3 per cent hydrogen peroxide with an equal amount of water. Swish it around your mouth but don't swallow it.

Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil has been historically used to treat toothaches, according to the Arabian Journal of Chemistry in the United States. This essential oil has antibacterial properties that may reduce tooth pain, making it a popular choice for those seeking short-term toothache relief until dental help is available. Use a cotton ball to apply a few drops of oil to the affected area.

Remember that tooth pain home remedies only provide temporary pain relief. Always consult your dentist if you're suffering from tooth pain, as they will be able to conduct a thorough dental examination to discover the root of the problem and find a solution.